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 Deep down, we all instinctively love rocks.
After all, we do owe our survival to rocks.
Even still, today, we rely on rocks for nearly everything in life.
Without them, we’d have no phone, no car, no tools, and no way to buy rocks online, which would be a shame…
Especially as there are some pretty cool rocks in Colorado worth sharing.

ColoRockCo applies science to nature’s art and provides for you some of the coolest Colorado rocks…
As well as Amethyst, Dinosaur Bones, Petrified Wood, Meteorites, Arrowheads, Rare Minerals, Gems, Elements, Ore, and much more.

While the best attempts are made to certify the validity that each mineral offered is in fact what is claimed, rarely, a rock may be mislabeled.
Human mistakes aside, one of the wonders of geology is how the same minerals can be found in so many different places with so many different appearances,
and some similar-looking rocks
in the same place could be a number of different minerals!

We likely don’t yet know everything when it comes to geology and chemistry, do we?
What more don’t we know? Can we even know what we don’t yet know?
Would you be here, now, reading this, if it weren’t for the French chemists collecting and studying yellow sandstone in Colorado 124 years ago?

Who knows what we’ll learn in the next hundred years, or what you may discover!

That’s pretty much why the Colorado Rock Company exists, and why the rocks, the science, and your happiness are so important.

ColoRockCo’s working to build for you not only a rock shop providing the ingredients our predecessors had while making their scientific discoveries, but a resource: a resource for you to use to learn to identify the rocks around you and to understand the history they tell,
a resource to help you while you collect the elements as they’re found naturally,
and a resource
to provide for you as much of our current collective knowledge as possible,

so you can then add to it and change tomorrow’s world for the better.

Please excuse the site’s mess while it’s undergoing construction
if you send a message with
any ideas, suggestions, feedback, or find any errors/404s,
you’ll get a special discount code and free rock with your next purchase!

There’ll be more for you tomorrow, see you again soon!
Thanks for visiting!

ColoRocko redirects to ColoRockCo (somewhat), but ColoRockCo is not affiliated with the Colorocko Taco, the Colorocko Tweeter, the Colorocko musician, nor any other Colorocko