

Trinitite, aka atomsite, comes from only one place on Earth: Trinity, New Mexico. Made by the United States Army at 5:29 a.m. on July 16, 1945 after the detonation of the first Plutonium-based nuclear bomb.
THIS SPECIFIC TRINITITE HAS BEEN SOLD, BUT YOU CAN STILL GET A DIFFERENT 1.3 GRAM SPECIMEN WITH THIS ORDER. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT WILL LOOK SIMILAR, BUT DIFFERENT. THE SAME MINERAL, DIFFERENT ROCK. Please message if you have any questions or would like to see photos and a video before it is eventually uploaded after the other rocks in the queue. Thanks!

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According to wikipedia, Trinitite is “mildly radioactive” with the following elements:

The glass is primarily composed of arkosic sand composed of quartz grains and feldspar (both microcline and smaller amount of plagioclase with small amount of calcitehornblende and augite in a matrix of sandy clay).
Trinitite no longer contains sufficient radiation to be harmful unless swallowed.[2] It still contains the radionuclides 241Am137Cs and 152Eu


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