Gold Nugget #3


From the Alma Mining District in Colorado
2.3 grams

1 in stock


Holding this little specimen will undoubtedly give you gold fever, assuming you don’t already have it!

Without knowing from exactly where this gold nugget came, it’s a little difficult to discuss the exact mine, but it was assured to have come from the Alma Mining District. That just so happens to also be the very same mining district from which the largest Gold Nugget in the state has ever been found – at 12 ounces! This one, however, is only 2.3 grams, but it has one really cool and unique shape!

The Alma Mining District has 57 claims listed on Mindat, and 83 listed on thediggings, so it must be from one of those. In addition to Gold, and in addition to the currently active claims in the district, the Alma Mining District has historically produced Lead, Silver, Manganese, Molybdenum, Titanium, Uranium, Iron, Copper, Fluorite, and some of the most spectacular mineral specimens such as the Rhodochrosite found at the Sweet Home Mine.

Miners and rock lovers have spent nearly two centuries looking in the mountains of Colorado for something just like this, and now you’ll know exactly what to keep your eye out for the next time you’re out as well, so now, go find something just like this!!

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Specimen Number

#1, #2


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