Colorado River Gold Paydirt


Gold Paydirt from the Colorado River with guaranteed minimum amounts of gold in every bag!

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Photos and video coming soon for the paydirt, specifically, but you can see the exact same kind of gold you can find in the same kind of paydirt you can see in this video:

Genuine gold paydirt in which you’ll find raw and natural placer gold dust from the Colorado River near Grand Junction, Colorado, and some additional fine Colorado placer gold sprinkled in to guarantee that a minimum amount will be found and there’ll be gold in every bag!

Additionally, as you’ll know the minimum amount of gold you’ll receive is guaranteed, you can use this paydirt to test your skills and see if you recover it all on the first try or know exactly how much must still be remaining in the concentrates you let fall out of your pan, at least!

ColoRockCo’s own, brand new line of Gold Paydirt! You’re guaranteed to enjoy this!

As the sand you’ll receive is straight from the Colorado River and unwashed and unsearched, there’s a chance you may get some glass, wire, lead shot, and/or other material besides sand and gold. Additionally, as the gold in the sand found along the Colorado River near to Grand Junction has been washed downstream from the mines roughly a hundred miles away, you’re going to find very fine gold, almost like a glitter or dust, so don’t expect any large nuggets.

In each 5 gallon bucket classified along the Colorado River, on average, you would be exceptionally lucky to find 0.01 grams of gold. Of course, you might get even luckier and find 10x that, or, you might get skunked and find 1/10th that… but, there’s gold in nearly every bucket!

However, as you won’t be receiving an entire bucket (send a message if you’re interested and we’ll figure out shipping), there’s no telling how much natural gold unseen ever before by human eyes you’ll receive in the small bag, and there’s even a very small chance you wouldn’t receive any natural gold, but that’s exactly why each bag gets a minimum amount added to it, just in case. That way, you’re bound to at least make back some of your money and have some fun!

Additionally, the gold added is from Fairplay, Colorado, and of only slightly larger size, but still mostly under 30 mesh, and you’ll be lucky to find a picker – just as you do when panning the Colorado River near Grand Junction. The paydirt itself is comprised of sand and small rocks, but other than having been put through a 1/4″ screen, nothing has been done to the paydirt. The bags have been intentionally designed so that the amount of the dirt you’ll receive can fit in one pan, but more dirt can be sent if you’d like, all the way up to nearly 2 gallons in a large priority box with additional shipping costs. However, if you’re like the majority of people panning at home for fun, you likely don’t want a whole lot of dirt from which you’ll have to sift out your gold.

One smaller bag of maybe 2lbs and in a bag roughly 3″x5″ should take you no more than an hour to go through on average. Within the dirt itself, besides gold, you’re going to likely find a pinch of black sands, and probably a small garnet or two with quartz and mica often in the pea gravel. Nothing too challenging nor boring for the beginner or for the pro – a good, happy medium when it comes to paydirt. Perhaps a bit on the difficult side of average, as the gold is fine, but definitely not too difficult for even the beginner!

You can even sell your gold back to ColoRockCo once you’re finished panning it out of the paydirt! The difference between the cost of the gold within the bag and the price you’ll pay for the paydirt is small and is an exceptionally cheap deal as compared to driving from wherever you are to Grand Junction to go panning along the Colorado River!

Additional information

Amount of Gold

0.1 Grams, 0.25 Grams, 0.5 Grams, 1 Gram


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