Austinite has a hardness of 4 – 4½ and a specific gravity of 4.13. Named by Lloyd Williams Staples in 1935 in honor of Austin Flint Rogers, an American mineralogist from Stanford University, California.
According to Wikipedia, Austinite is “a rare mineral in the oxidation zone of arsenic bearing base metal deposits, where it is found developed on the colloform (pertaining to the rounded, globular texture of mineral formed by colloidal precipitation) surface of limonite or lining small cavities. It is closely associated with adamite, and appears to be a later mineral. Austinite is associated with adamite, quartz, talmessite and limonite.”
On Mindat you can see it’s since been found in around another 94 locations all around the world on most continents, so keep an eye out for a rock like this the next time your hiking around oxidized arsenic deposits and you might now just able to find Austinite for yourself!
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