~0.2 x 0.2 x 0.15 cm
This specimen, of course, comes to us from the Tsumeb Mine (Ongopolo Mine), its Type Locality. The Oshikoto Region of Namibia is the only place on earth where this mineral is known to be found, but it’d be really cool if you think you might have rocks near you that seem to be very similar to this!
If you can supply Gallium to the world with rocks you find near you, please send a message, as ColoRockCo would be very interested in working together! However, it may not make you very rich, as you can get 100 grams of purified Gallium from Luciteria and RotoMetals for $67 and $149, respectively, as of September, 2023. Gallium is currently refined from mostly Bauxite and Zinc ores, as well as coal, occuring at ~50ppm and <1%, respectively, as it interestingly doesn’t seem to form any significant ore bodies.
According to Wikipedia, “Metallic gallium is not toxic. However, several gallium compounds are toxic. Inhaled Ga2O3 particles are probably toxic.” So, this rock is safe overall, even though one other google result said gallium can burn your skin and eyes to hold. But, with as valuable/irreplaceable as this one is, you probably shouldn’t hold it needlessly… and definitely don’t eat it.
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