Allanite-Nd has a hardness of 6 and a specific gravity of 3.98. According to Mindat, Allanite-Nd was named in 2012 by Radek Škoda, Jan Cempírek, Jan Filip, Milan Novák, František Veselovský and Radim Čtvrtlík for being neodymium-dominant and its relationship to the allanite-series minerals. The group name is in honor of Thomas Allan (1777, Edinburgh, Scotland – 1833, Morpeth, Northumberland, England), Scottish banker and mineralogist.
Other than that it’s dominant element is Neodymium, not much more is known about this mineral as there’s no Wikipedia or WebMineral page for it and there’s not a lot more information for it on Mindat, but that just means this rock is a great prize for science lovers and element collectors as there’s still so much to learn about it!
So far, Allanite-Nd has only been found in seven localities worldwide, with the Kingman Fledspar Mine being the only known location within the US. However, it’s found near granitic pegmatites, and might be waiting to be discovered in more places, so keep an eye out for a rock like this!
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